A PDF version of this CV can be found here.


Fellowships and Awards


My papers can also be found on ADS.

  1. Nadler, E., Mansfield, P., Wang, Y., Du, X., Adhikari, S.; Banerjee, Arka., Benson, An., Darragh-Ford, E., Mao, Y., Wagner-Carena, S., Wechsler, R., Wu, H., Symphony: Cosmological Zoom-in Simulation Suites over Four Decades of Host Halo Mass, 2022, in review, ADS link

  2. Chen, H., Gnedin, N., Mansfield, P., Approximating Density Probability Distribution Functions Across Cosmologies, 2022, ApJ, 929(2), 135, ADS link

  3. Mansfield, P., Avestruz, C., How Biased Are Halo Properties in Cosmological Simulations?, 2021, MNRAS, 500(3), 3309, ADS link

  4. He, Y., Mansfield, P., Rau, M., P., Trac, H., Battaglia, N., Debiased Galaxy Cluster Pressure Profiles from X-ray Observations and Simulations, 2021, ApJ, Volume 908(1), 91, ADS link

  5. Neuzil, M.*, Mansfield, P., Kravtsov, A., The Sheet of Giants: Unusual properties of the Milky Way’s immediate neighbourhood, 2020, MNRAS, 494, 2600, ADS link

  6. Mansfield, P., & Kravtsov, A. V., The Three Causes of Low-Mass Assembly Bias, 2019, 2020, MNRAS, 493, 4763, ADS link

  7. Diemer, B., Mansfield, P., Kravtsov, A. V., & More, S., The Splashback Radius of Halos from Particle Dynamics. II. Dependence on Mass, Accretion Rate, Redshift, and Cosmology, 2017, ApJ, 843, 140, ADS link

  8. Mansfield, P., Kravtsov, A. V., & Diemer, B., Splashback Shells of Cold Dark Matter Halos, 2017, ApJ, 841, 34 ADS link

  9. Trac, H., Cen, R., & Mansfield, P., SCORCH I: The Galaxy-Halo Connection in the First Billion Years, 2015, ApJ, 813, 54, ADS link

  10. Matty, M., Mansfield, P., Hallinen, K., Albert, J., Swendsen, R., Cluster simulations of multi- spin Potts models, 2015, JSTAT, 1, 1026 ADS link JSTAT link

* I am the primary research mentor for this student on this project.

Publications in Preparation

  1. Mansfield, P., Abel, T., Guppy I: A code for reducing the size of cosmological simulations by an order of magnitude

  2. Mendoza I.**, Mansfield, P., Wang, K., Avestruz, C. MultiCAM: Connecting Halo Properties with their Accretion Histories

  3. Mansfield, P., Darragh-Ford, E., Nadler, E., Wang, Y., Wechsler, R. The Surprising Durability of Simulated Dark Matter Haloes

  4. Zhang, B.*, Mansfield, P., Wechsler, R., The Connection Between Satellite Disruption and Subhalo Disruption in Illustris-TNG

  5. Mansfield, P., Darragh-Ford, E., Nadler, E., Wang, Y., Wechsler, R. The Impact of The Galaxy-Halo Connection of Galactic Stellar Haloes

* I am the co-mentor for this student.

** I am the primary research mentor for this student on this project.

Teaching and Mentoring


Public Codes and Libraries

I have also written many open source libraries and research tools, ranging from fitting libraries, to simulation I/O libraries, to color blind-friendly plotting palettes.

Conference Talks and Seminars